The Hawaii Chapter AGO's annual dinner meeting was held on May 31st at Assaggio Bistro Kahala, where over 30 members dined on traditional Italian cooking. At this meeting we are presented with the coming year's budget and elect new officers. The incoming Executive Board members are: Karl Bachman, dean; Paul Lillie, sub-dean; Ina Young, secretary and Samuel Lam, treasurer. Other Board members include Elizabeth Wong, scholarship chair and Katherine Crosier, newsletter/publicity/webmaster. Members at large are Margaret Lloyd and Young Pak.

Outgoing Dean Margaret Lloyd greets the new Dean, Karl Bachman.
(L-R) Incoming Secretary Ina Young, Esther Yuan, Tom Poole, and Treasurer Sam Lam.
(L-R) Marie Wang, Connie Uejio, Kathy Hallman and Nyle Hallman.
Some of the youngest members of the Hawaii Chapter:
(L-R) Christopher, Joey and Jordan, shown with Holly Lindsay.
(L-R) Bud Klein, Joseph Kotowski, Elizabeth Wong and Anita Webber.
A waitress brings another plate of food to
(L-R) John Renke, Yuri McCoy, John McCreary and Rob Lloyd.
Beebe Freitas and Karl Bachman shown above enjoy stimulating conversation.
(L-R) Betsy McCreary, Gloria Faltstrom and Young Pak.
Karen Leatherman and Donald Matsumori.